Renovations and new builds leave behind more than just a fresh look—they also leave behind layers of dust, debris, and leftover construction materials. Our construction cleaning services are designed to transform a messy worksite into a move-in-ready space. We remove fine dust from floors, windows, and surfaces, ensuring that newly installed fixtures and appliances are polished and ready for use. We also handle the disposal of any remaining debris, so your property is clean, safe, and ready for occupancy.
Construction dust has a way of settling into every crack and crevice, which is why our team pays special attention to air vents, baseboards, and other overlooked areas.
Whether it’s a residential remodel, a new office space, or a large commercial project, we provide thorough post-construction cleaning that brings out the best in your newly finished space.
How does our apartment cleaning program work?
Every time we clean, we’ll provide services that include the following:
Sleeping AreasSurfaces hand wiped, floors cleaned, general dusting, cobwebs removed, doors and door frames spot cleaned
Living AreasSurfaces hand wiped, cobwebs removed, doors and door frames spot cleaned, general dusting, floors cleaned
KitchenCountertops cleaned, outside of range hood cleaned, top and front of range cleaned, drip pans / glass top surfaces wiped, sinks cleaned and chrome shined, fronts of all appliances cleaned, general dusting, cobwebs removed, microwave wiped out, doors and door frames spot cleaned
Phone: 800-123-4567
Fax: 718-724-3312
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat-Sun: 11:00 am – 16:00 pm